Process Payment
Submit a payment request for a specific invoice.
A unique key to authenticate your API requests
Account number associated with the user for whom the payment is being made. It is essential for identifying the account to be credited
Invoice number that identifies the specific transaction for payment. It links the payment to a precise invoice
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code representing the country where the payment is being made
Payment amount to be made, expressed in the local currency XOF. It must be positive
To receive real-time transaction status notifications, you must provide the callback_url parameter at the time of payment. This endpoint allows you to specify a URL where notifications will be sent when the status of the transaction changes. If no URL is provided, no call will be made.
Indicates the product or service for which the payment is being made
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code representing the country where the payment is being made
Payment amount to be made, expressed in the local currency XOF. It must be positive
Unique identifier for the transaction, generated to track and reference the payment