Send as XML via HTTP POST
LAM SMS Server url.
The <push> element contains one or more <message> elements
also called accountid(Value given by LAM)
(Value given by LAM)
If set, it replaces number that appears as ‘Sender’ in the SMS. Value must NOT begin with a digit and has 11 characters maximum (1FOE is forbidden, FOE12345678 is allowed).
The <text> element is used for message text. The <text> element has no attributes, just a value. In general, it is simply the text of the SMS.
to is used to give information about the recipient user. It is part of a message to element can contain a number of <param> elements, used to personalize the text message. The value is a phone number, you can use the international format (+221771611010)
If set, the SMS won’t be sent before this date.
In particular case, when start_date is set but in the past, then start_time is used with the date of the current day. Be careful: if start_time is NOT set and start date is set to a value > today it’s means start_date, midnight. Time is local time (Paris: GMT+2)
If stop_time is set, no SMS is transmit to the sending gateway after this time, and remaining SMS are sent the following day, at start_time. Be aware that SMS transmitted to the gateway before this time may be sent to the operator after this time.
if set, it is stored in push.psh_ext_id. .ret_id is associated with the campaign(push). It’s different from .ret_id that is a id associated with a unitary SMS defined by client.
If set, when the status of the SMS changes, a call to this URL is made using an HTTP GET request with the following parameters: push_id (sent by our server), ret_id (defined in the initial call), to (recipient's phone number), status (a status or error_code in case of an error), and text (the SMS content). The possible status values are as follows: SENT (4), RECEIVED (6), ERROR_NPAI (11), ERROR_EXPIRED (12), ERROR_INVOP (13), ERROR_NETWORK (14), ERROR_CREDIT (15), ERROR_UNKNOWN (16), and ERROR (2) for a generic error. If no URL is provided, no call will be made.
The response is of type string